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Educational Digital Electronic Simulator
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EasySim is an easy to use digital electronics simulation package. It allows
digital circuit designs of varying degrees of complexity to be designed and
tested in a windows environment. It gives the user a selection of logic gates
and flip flops along with various input and output devices, thus providing
building blocks to emulate any logic function required, limited only by the
screen space and available memory.
The product is aimed mainly at the educational market but will also be of great
value to the electronics enthusiasts wishing to test out small circuits before
committing themselves to wiring up a circuit.
This document assumes that the user will be familiar with MicroSoft Windows,
MS-DOS and basic digital electronic theory.
EasySim is marketed under various licences. The licence type may be determined
by selecting the About option in the Help pop-up menu.
2.1 Limited License
The "Limited License" applies to all EasySim unregistered software. This
will include, but not be limited to software that has been downloaded from a
Under the terms of the limited license you are allowed to use and evaluate
the product for a period of two calendar months from the date of first use.
You are also allowed to make and pass on an unlimited number of copies of
the unregistered software.
At the end of the two month period you must register your software if you
wish to continue using it.
Registration benefits include 90 day free support, print capabilities, an
enhanced chip library and traps for unstable or self oscillating circuitry.
Update notifications will be sent to registered users.
2.2 Single User License
The "Single User License" is what it says. The software is licensed to a
single user. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the
software remains under their control and is only ever used on one computer
at any one time. There must be no possibility of the software being run
concurrently on two or more machines by more than one user.
2.3 Site License
The "Site License" licenses one localised establishment to make and use up
to 50 copies of the software at any one time. Such copies may only be used
at the licensed site.
Under the terms of this license a "localised establishment" shall be
considered to be a college, school, factory or similar.
2.4 General Educational Site License
Under the "General Educational Site License" an educational establishment is
permitted to make and use an unlimited number of copies at one site. Further
to this it is also permitted to allow copying and use by bona fide students,
of that establishment, for their own personal use.
Copying and use by other establishments and students is expressly
3.1 Requirements
EasySim is designed to run under MicroSoft Windows version 3.1. Your
machine will also need to have a 286,386 or 486 processor, a VGA display, a
mouse and at least 2 megabytes of RAM.
3.2 File List
Files that you should have with the unpacked version are:-
SIMULATE.EXE Logic Simulator Executable.
EASY1.DLL DLL for Simulator.
EASYPRN.DLL DLL for printing (registered versions only).
EASYSIM.TXT (this file).
EASYDSCR.DOC Short Descriptions for EasySim.
README Initial Installation Instructions.
SETUP.EXE Windows Setup Executable
SETUP.INF Information File for Setup
METER.DLL DLL for Setup.
A variety of demonstration circuits will also be with the distribution
software. These include but may not be limited to :-
JK.SIM JK flip flop circuit example.
MSJK.SIM Master Slave JK flip flop circuit example.
COUNT16.SIM A four bit synchronous counter with display.
DTYPE.SIM A "D" type flip flop ciruit example
3.3 Installing Under Windows
Installation under Windows is fairly simple, and may be achieved by
following the procedure below:-
From Program Manager select the 'File' menu option.
Now select the 'Run' option from the pull down menu.
Select 'Browse' within the displayed dialog box.
Select the diskette that contains the EasySim distribution files.
Select 'setup.exe' from the displayed file list.
Select the OK button.
Windows will now automatically install EasySim to your hard disk, after
prompting for a destination directory.
3.4 Installing Under DOS
To install under DOS do the following:-
Change the current drive to that containing the EasySim distribution files.
Type 'win setup' followed by pressing the ENTER key.
Windows will now install EasySim.
EasySim is very easy to use once the menu/toolbox operation is understood.
Devices are selected and dropped by the mouse.
Device selection may be made from either the toolbox or the pull down menus.
Once selected a device may be rotated, by further menu/toolbox selection, or
placed. A device is placed by pressing the mouse left button when the cursor
is in the required position. In general a device is dragged by its top left
hand corner.
Once placed a device may be deleted, rotated or moved by selection of the
relevant edit mode.
Devices may be inter-connected by "wires" in the line drawing mode. These
wires must touch or run into any input or output pins that they are required to
connect to.
Wires may be joined by junctions. If more than two wires come to an
intersection they will not all be inter-connected until such time that a
junction is placed at that intersection. Wires that cross each other may also
be connected by means of a junction. Wires that cross with no junction will
not be electrically connected.
Note that for a junction to be effective it must be placed at some point on a
wire. Placing a junction on an input or output pin has no effect until a wire
runs either to it or through it.
In general all connections to inputs or outputs should be by a wire terminating
Interactive input into the circuit design is by a "toggle switch", this allows
a chosen logic level to be injected at a given point in the circuit. A switch
may be pressed, when in power up mode, by placing the cursor over it and
pressing the left mouse button.
Whatever edit mode the program is in it will revert to line mode on pressing
the right mouse button. The right mouse button is also used to discard the
current item, be it a device or line segment.
EasySim incorporates a unique "logic trace" mode. This gives an indication of
the logic level in a wire by the brightness it is displayed at. This facility
is invaluable for debugging circuits under development.
Circuit designs may be saved or loaded at any time and print options allow a
hard copy of the design.
EasySim allows two methods of selecting most options. These are either from
the toolbox or by means of the pull down menu system. The available options
will be discussed in the order that they appear in the drop down menus.
Once the pull down menu system has been mastered it will become apparent what
the operation of the "toolbox" is. The toolbox allows quick and easy selection
of all devices that can be selected from the pulldown menus, with the icons on
the toolbox buttons matching the operation of that particular button.
5.1 File
5.1.1 New
The "File | New" option will clear any existing circuit if one exists.
If a modified circuit does exist the user will be prompted for saving
this circuit.
5.1.2 Open
The "File | Open" menu option will first check for an existing modified
drawing. If one exists the user will be prompted to save it. Subsequent
to this a file selection dialogue box is displayed. This will give a
display of all files of suffix ".sim", in the selected directory, which
may be loaded into EasySim.
The "power up" and "logic trace" modes will be selected by default
whenever a file is loaded.
5.1.3 Save
The "File | Save" menu option allows a circuit to be saved. If the
circuit was developed from new it will have the default filename of
"untitled.sim". In this case it is probably appropriate to invoke the
"File | Save as" menu option documented below.
5.1.4 Save as
The "File | Save as" menu option allows an existing circuit to be saved
with a specific file name. An interactive dialogue box is displayed
allowing a name to be entered and the directory chosen.
The convention with EasySim files is to save them with a ".sim" suffix.
5.1.5 Print
The "File | Print" menu option will print out a representation of the
current circuit. The printout will go to the default printer or,
alternatively, the printer selected in "File | Printer setup". The print
will be automatically scaled to the size of the printer settings.
Use "landscape" printing for best results.
5.1.6 Printer setup
The "File | Printer setup" menu option allows the printer to be
configured for subsequent printing. The standard Windows dialogue box is
displayed for this purpose.
5.1.7 Exit Alt+F4
The "File | Exit Alt+F4" menu option will terminate the EasySim program.
If a modified circuit exists the user will be prompted to save it.
5.2 Edit
The "Edit" options change the usage of the cursor and left mouse button
Pressing the right mouse button in any of these modes returns the user to
line drawing mode.
5.2.1 Delete
The "Edit | Delete" menu option puts the mouse into delete mode. When
the cursor is moved over an object and the left mouse key pressed the
object will be deleted. Multiple objects at one location will require
multiple button presses on the mouse to delete them all, one button press
one delete.
5.2.2 Move
The "Edit | Move" menu option puts the mouse into move mode. When the
cursor is placed over an object and the left mouse button pressed the
object may be "picked up". Once picked up the object may be dragged
around the screen by use of the mouse. When the left mouse button is
released the object will be "dropped" at the current cursor position.
5.2.3 Rotate
The "Edit | Rotate" menu option performs two slightly different
functions. In pure "rotate mode" the cursor may be placed over an object
and the mouse left button pressed. When this is done the object under
the cursor will be rotated through 180 degrees. Some items, however,
cannot be rotated. These include lines, junctions and 7 segment
In "dragging mode" the cursor will be attached to a selected chip
outline, this outline may be rotated by use of the "Edit | Rotate" menu
5.3 Gates
A wide selection of logic gates is available, these provide the base for
building up almost any required logic function.
5.3.1 Invertor
This is just a single input, single output device. The output will be
the inverse of the input.
5.3.2 Xor
Xor or exclusive or gate. This is a two input, single output device.
The output will be high if either input is high or low if both inputs are
at the same level.
5.3.3 Xnor
Xnor or exclusive nor gate. This is a two input, single output device
and the logic inverse of the Xor device. The output will be low if
either input is high or high if both inputs are at the same level.
5.3.4 Or
The "or" gate has a further sub-menu to allow devices of from two to four
inputs to be selected. This is a single output device with the output
reflecting the logical "or" of its inputs. This means that the output
will be high if any number of its inputs are high. If all inputs are low
then the output will be low also.
5.3.5 Nor
The "nor" or "not or" gate has a further sub-menu to allow devices of
from two to four inputs to be selected. This is a single output device
with the output reflecting the logical "nor" of its inputs, in this it is
the logical inverse of the "or" gate. This means that the output will be
low if any number of its inputs are high. If all inputs are low then the
output will be high.
5.3.6 And
The "and" gate has a further sub-menu to allow devices of from two to
four inputs to be selected. This is a single output device with the
output reflecting the logical "and" of its inputs. This means that the
output will be high if all of its inputs are high. If at least one input
is low then the output will be low also.
5.3.7 Nand
The "nand" or "not and" gate has a further sub-menu to allow devices of
from two to four inputs to be selected. This is a single output device
with the output reflecting the logical "nand" of its inputs, in this it
is the logical inverse of the "and" gate. This means that the output
will be low if all of its inputs are high. If at least one input is low
then the output will be high.
5.3.8 D Flip Flop
The "D" type flip flop is an edge triggered device that transfers data
from its "D". or data, input to its "Q" output on a rising edge at the
"C", or clock, input. Two outputs exist on these devices "Q" and "not Q"
these outputs are the logical inverse of each other.
The registered software users have the extra luxury of an asynchronous
reset line on the "D" type flip flop. This allows the device to be reset
(Q = low) independent of clock or data inputs.
5.3.9 JK Flip Flop
The "JK" flip flop is a three input, two output device that shares clock
and "Q" outputs with the "D" type flip flop. It's operation is, however,
completely different.
The "JK" flip flop operates in one of three modes, set, reset or toggle,
all three of these modes have their data transition of the rising edge of
the "C" or clock input.
The set mode is when the "J" input is high and the "K" input low. In
this case a low to high transition on the clock input will set the "Q"
output high and the "not Q" output low.
The reset mode is when the "J" input is low and the "K" input high. In
this case a low to high transition on the clock input will set the "Q"
output low and the "not Q" output high.
Toggle mode is entered when both the "J" and "K" inputs are high, a low
to high transition on the clock input will cause the levels at the "Q"
and "not Q" outputs to toggle from their previous state.
5.4 Sources
Various input sources are provided in order to feed known logic levels into
the circuit design.
5.4.1 Switch
A toggle switch is provided to allow a varying level to be applied to
various inputs in the circuit. The toggle may be operated in the "power
on" mode by placing the cursor over it and pressing the left mouse
5.4.2 Logic 0
The logic level 0 is provided to allow a known logic low source. It has
one pin, an output, which is at a continuous low level.
5.4.3 Logic 1
The logic level 1 is provided to allow a known logic high source. It has
one pin, an output, which is at a continuous high level.
5.5 Displays
Two display devices are provided a lamp and a seven segment display with
binary input. These may be connected up to provide indications of logic
levels at various points within a circuit. These indications are only valid
when in "power up" mode.
5.5.1 Lamp
The lamp is a single input device. When a logic high is applied to it's
input it will light up, similarly when a logic low is applied it will
5.5.2 7 Segment
The seven segment display has an inbuilt binary decoder and will display
in hexadecimal from 0 through to "F". It has four inputs at it's base
with the most significant input on the left and the least significant on
the right. The number displayed will reflect the logic levels at its
input while in "power up" mode.
5.6 Routing
5.6.1 Wire
The "Routing | Wire" selection puts the program into "line drawing"
mode. The mouse may be used to draw lines on the screen that represent
the wires of an electronic circuit.
A press of the mouse left button will initiate a line, this line will
follow the cursor movements as the mouse is moved. A special algorithm
disables any non-orthogonal lines, this means that only horizontal or
vertical lines may be drawn. If need be the line is split into two
segments that track the cursor.
Active line segments can be placed, one at a time, by pressing the mouse
left button.
An unwanted line segment can be discarded by pressing the mouse right
Care must be taken when "wiring" up a circuit. Wires must reach or
overlap device inputs or outputs. Note that only a certain amount of
overlap is permitted.
Wires alone may only be joined only end to end. Two wires that overlap
will not join.
5.6.2 Junction
Junctions provide a method of joining more than one wire together. Any
wire passing through a junction will become connected to that junction.
This allows a method of connecting up to four separate wires at one
5.7 Power
5.7.1 Power On
As with real circuits power has to be applied before an EasySim circuit
simulation will operate correctly. A check box in the Power On menu
selection will indicate whether power is applied or not.
When power is applied we are in the "power up" mode in which toggle
switches may be operated in order to activate the circuit operation.
Under some circumstances it is possible for the circuit to be unstable
and oscillate. In this case simulation is stopped after a predetermined
time. Note that in this case some indicated logic levels will be
5.8 Options
5.8.1 Grid
The "Options | Grid" menu option toggles a grid on the screen. This may
facilitate placement of devices under some conditions.
5.8.2 Logic Trace
EasySim has the unique feature of being able to dynamically display logic
levels as they propagate around a circuit. The "Options | Logic Trace"
menu selection toggles this function on and off.
High logic levels are indicated by "bright" wires and low logic levels by
"dim" wires.
This facility does a lot to illustrate actual gate functionallity.
This option is the default when a circuit is loaded.
5.8.3 Redraw
Under some circumstances it is possible that the screen may become
cluttered with bits of deleted objects. Especially after a long editing
session. To clean up the screen select the "Options | Redraw" menu
5.9 Help
5.9.1 About
The "Help | About" menu selection will display details of your type of
license. Please help me to continue to help you by adhering to your
license conditions.
EasySim imposes few design rules so as not to detract from the user interface
6.1 Outputs
Basically any output may be wired to any number of inputs by means of wires
and junctions. An output may not, however, be connected to another output,
EasySim silently enforces this feature. This means that although two
outputs may be wired together only one of those outputs will actually feed
logic levels along that wire. No indication is given for this condition.
Should you desire to see what happens in this situation merely turn on the
logic trace facility.
6.2 Inputs
Unnconnected inputs are, for simplicity of operation, forced to a logic low
level. Note that this is contrary to the operation of normal TTL logic,
which defaults to a high condition if left unconnected. Rather than leave
unused inputs floating, make use of the logic 0 and 1 level drivers that
exist in the EasySim library.
6.3 Wires
Wires must touch or run onto an input or output pin for a connection to be
made. Try to attach a wire in the same orientation as the pin being
connected to i.e. if the pin is horizontal then attach a horizontal wire to
it, conversely in the case of a vertical pin connect to it by a vertical
Try to run wires in one piece, trying to join "broken wires" may be tricky.
ires may only be joined end to end, no overlap is allowed.
6.4 Junctions
Junctions are only operative on wires and serve to connect wires to other
wires or to inputs. A junction is inoperative on a output pin unless a wire
is actually run to and terminates at that junction.
6.5 Unstable Loops
It is possible in EasySim, as in real life, to design and run a circuit that
is unstable and hence oscillates. This can happen if an inverter has its
output wired straight back to its own input.
EasySim obviously has to break the simulation somewhere. The break point is
selected some time after it has been determined that the ciruit is
unstable. At this point in time some of the indicated logic levels will be
incorrect. The registered packages notify the user of this situation. This
is not so in the un-registered shareware distribution of EasySim.
6.6 General
In all cases where you are unsure about your circuit operation turn on the
logic trace option and see where you signals get to.
The registered version of the 'EasySim' software contains a greater selection
of gates, an oscillator and also provides printing capability.
Unregistered versions of software may be upgraded to registered versions by
remitting details and the correct fee to:-
Research Systems Pty. Ltd.
15/1540 Main Road,
Victoria 3095,
Details required are:-
Name and address of purchaser.
Name and address of user (if different from above, or a site license).
Type of license required for the EasySim software.
The type of media required.
The remittance to cover the license fee and post and packaging.
Prices as of 8th October 1992.
Single User: $A54.95
Site License: $A250.00
General Educational Site License: $A500.00
For post and packaging:-
Australia $A5.00
Overseas $A15.00
Terms available on official orders.
For further information call us on 0411 180 959.